
Archive for September, 2015|Monthly archive page

Homelessness in Denmark – a future waiting for so many

In culture on September 24, 2015 at 12:57

The migration to Denmark continues. As result of the reforms made to house extra people in our small country has resulted in increased homelessness.

Now a photo collection has been made public in pinterest showing the daily life in Denmark

Homelessness in Denmark

Look and comment what you feel out the growing number of homeless people in Denmark

Today agreement about Migrants reminds me of old days

In politics on September 22, 2015 at 19:30

The news we get about the so-called agreement the European Union has made about the migrants reminds me about the negotiations the Danish government had with the rest of the EU member states. However there are differences.

When Denmark voted No to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 the European Union was as dead as it could be even before it was fully up and working. The rest of Europe was in shock and they knew that their entire future was left in the hand of the Danes.

So they were summoned to negotiations in Copenhagen. Many sources who were part of these so-called negotiations spoke of situations looking more like a BDSM event than political negotiations. The Danes whipped the European leaders and the only results were that they came back asking for more. They barked, were whipped and whined. It didn’t matter. In the end Denmark demanded and got four exceptions which exist even today several decades later.

Of course the so-called negotiations today were not the same. A lot of countries taught several countries the lesson that they loss by siding with the communists and losing the cold war. They were taught that they were losers and they just had to accept the pieces of meats the superior countries in the west licking them from the shoes of the western leaders.

It was about time. We have not told them over and over again where their place in Europe is. It was a mistake. You don’t train a dog properly to do tricks unless you train it the same lesson over and over again. They lost then the wall collapsed in 1990. Still they feel themselves entitled to believe that they have anything to say in Europe and we would hear them for even one minute. I have spoken with many Danes today and they laugh over the leaders from various countries in the eastern part of Europe.

Today’s agreement was something they should have been dictated long ago. I will go to sleep as a happy Dane tonight.

Migrant crisis: EU ministers approve disputed quota plan (BBC)

Feeding the stray cats

In politics on September 14, 2015 at 05:58

As Danes we should care when people in need of a peaceful place come to us and I have no problems paying for that. We will find places for them to live and we will feed them until they can return to the places they came from.

However I fear that even the peace and service we offer can become a burden not only to our society but also for the refugees.

Because the question will be: What should they do with their lives once they have settled here in Denmark?

I am afraid that their only option is to wait until they can return even if it proves to be for the rest of their lives. Will anyone be able to live an entire life without activity? Without goals in life? Without ambitions for themselves or even their children?

I cannot imagine that.

But that is the reality they will face in Denmark!

The demands for the work environment in Denmark is very tough. To meet that demand our schooling system is second to none.

Look at Danish exchange students. There are hardly any country they can travel to and study for a full year and return getting credits for their time in a foreign high school. I have met several former exchange students who have studied in United Kingdom, France and United States. They all returned and had to take up schooling with a year lost so they graduated a full year later than their former class mates.

We had a terrible terrorist killing people in Copenhagen earlier this year. His life was derailed when his mother took him out of Denmark and it lead him towards a life in crime ending with the terrorist attack where he was riddled with bullets in his final stand with our police.

Once you leave Denmark attending a foreign school you lose. Maybe you never catch up.

So regarding career and being a productive citizens it is not something the refugees and migrants will find in Denmark. We will feed them and care for them like we do with the dogs and cats we take into our care from the shelters. The question is: Can they live like that for the rest of their lives?

Denmark wants other countries to take responsibility

In Uncategorized on September 5, 2015 at 07:40

Denmark is among the countries in Europe which take most migrants in if you compare to the size of the population.

At the same time Denmark is among the countries which have suffered most as result of being a part of the European Union. A lot of people from Eastern Europe work in low-paid jobs or are simply using Denmark as some place to travel on holidays financing the vacation by stealing and robbing the ordinary Danes.

A lot of firms in Denmark have also moved jobs to countries in the eastern part of Europe. Lego has a plant in Hungary, Nordea the bank has invoices being handled in Poland and we could go on. Maybe it is time to go on. A group of Danes will list the Danish firms who outsource jobs to countries where they take fewer migrants in compared to the size of their population as Denmark. It doesn’t matter if the country the jobs go to is part of the European Union or not. If they take Danish jobs and they are not living up to their part of the responsibility of housing the migrant, they will be listed.

Below is a poster. Print it and put it outside the firm you know are using the foreign employees or has outsourced departments to countries abroad.


Den tungeste Arv

Når Danmarks historie virker rigtig ondt

When far from home

When you are not home, you are not you

Uddannelse til ingenting

om mit liv efter uddannelse og inden jeg forhåbentlig snart kan stoppe med at arbejde igen

Jack1993's Weblog

Just another weblog

Henrik Hansen's blog

Henrik Hansen's blog on everything and everybody

Søren Hansens blog

It's my life.

Jens Sørensens blog - tanker fra et eksil

Studerende og bitter i en afkrog fjernt fra civilisationen

Ude er godt men hjemme er bedst

En side for dem som overvejer at leve og studere i udlandet


Birthe født i 1951 - om mit liv og mine holdninger

Bentes hjemmeblog's Blog

Lidt om vores families liv

Today a child died

Statements about how the world is seen from Denmark is the best place for your personal blog or business site.