
Archive for April, 2021|Monthly archive page

Post-Pandemic #2: The people are organizing

In culture on April 25, 2021 at 06:50

A lot of citizens around the world do not want a return to a world pre-pandemic!

I recently heard about the group

Post Pandemic Flag Carriers

They focus on 4 area:

  • Curb Mass Tourism
  • Curb Global Trade
  • Curb exploitation of third world countries in order to get their nature resources
  • Recycling before anything else

They want to do it peacefully and not by protests which the governments will crack down upon just as the French government has done against “The Yellow Vests” and the Danish government has down against “The Men in Black”.

I am totally for online protesting but will it result in something. The Danish government is ignoring the voices of the Danish people and as a Dane living in the country which properly has been most affected by the pandemic in the entire world are close to give up and just sit waiting to be relieved of life.

I do not know but at least I have shared the link to their website. Then it is up to you if you believe there will be something to live for post-pandemic.

Post-pandemic #1 – Can we reopen the world

In culture on April 17, 2021 at 05:20

People are getting vaccinated. At some point all who wants will be. For those countries who have selected AstraZeneca and the Johnson & Johnson variant this plan might include the cost of some citizens dying from side-effects but that is a small price to pay for getting back to normal – right?

I will not judge on the costs but the world might never go back to normal.

If I look at Denmark there are people who own expensive flats in Copenhagen and during the pandemic they experienced something they never had before.

  1. The city was quiet. No drunken tourists (most of them are actually only Swedes who are not used to anything stronger than skin-milk and then of course people from our former colony Greenland where they have to shut businesses down in the morning until the children have been given food and are sent to school where their parents can buy beer and drink)
  2. Lesser traffic.
  3. No insult by being spoken to in a foreign language. Tourists simply did not take the time to learn Danish so citizens belonging to our by far most developed culture in the world would gain the respect it deserved.

So the citizens in the center of Copenhagen are pushing for a full stop to all activities that can bring noise to the city. Pubs, bars, restaurants and purpose-built shops for tourists. Maybe a tourist version of Copenhagen should be built outside the city so they can visit an artificial version of Copenhagen instead of the real one, like they are planning in Amsterdam too. Also a city like Venice welcomed the break. Loss of jobs and money is a small price to pay for quality of life.

So why open up at all? Should we not convert the Hotels into apartments instead? Give it all up.

In my mind we should.

Also as Danes we should urge our children – the next generations – to skip cultures abroad. Now there is peace in Syria so the refugees can be sent home as far as our foreign department has researched and concluded on. The news today is that the war in Afghanistan is over and the US forces will leave during 2021. The world will be a peaceful place and we will have to urge the governments in both Syria and Afghanistan to keep whatever they plan to do off social media like the government of China do with parts of their country. In return we will promise not to buy goods from them ever when we have moved all our production back home to Denmark.

Yes. We should not get things produced abroad. We should work on letting the cost of transport show. It should cost a lot of money to send parcels across the globe so production of things can be moved as close to us as possible. We should recycle far more. Clothes should be processed inside Denmark so we do not have to read about child workers abroad. Indoor farming should replace imports of spices, vegetables and fruits.

Our schooling should be entirely in Denmark – even at University level.

We should urge the lazy organization known as the European Union to built a wall around the membership countries and kick the countries like Poland and Hungary out until they return on their knees and accept to run their country as normal demcracies.

But mostly we should accept – The world post-pandemic will not be anything like the world pre-pandemic!

That is the main lesson, we should learn in 2021.


Now you political position can get you expelled from a school in Denmark

In politics on April 15, 2021 at 17:11

Sydøstsjællands Idrætsefterskole is a boarding school located in Haslev. It is of the type “Efterskole” (internationally compared to Continuation high schools) where children of rich parents who can afford DKK 50,000 or more for a kind of gab year can join for Form10 before they continue in gymnasium or more labor targeted schooling.

The students attend typical for one year. During a year they have most weekends off and are only required to remain at the boarding school for about 10 weekends per year.

As result of the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic many students have been forced to remain at home for some part of the school year receiving online education.

Most boarding schools in Denmark require a test before returning to the school after a weekend in private.

April 2021 a headmaster Anders Quistgaard expelled a 16-year-old student because the student during his private weekend off participated in a protest against the Danish Governments numerous lockdowns. Many Danes have lost their job, income and had their houses foreclosed.

As result a raising number of citizens have protested the precautions put up by the Danish government. The protests are called “The men in Black” protests. The authorities have arrested many and some even were arrested because they shared the news of protests previously published in Danish newspapers as the Danish government prefers that the surrounding world should not know about the difficult situation, the citizens in Denmark face.

Searching on the website of the school no information about a ban on certain political views or statements have been found. Still the student was expelled due to his political opposition towards the Danish government. The school state some kind of safety concern for the employees but the fact is that there are plenty of test-centers in Denmark, you can go to every single day without any delay, so there is nothing to worry about for any of the employees. They might be just as exposed to the virus while shopping in their local supermarket.

The local citizens do not like the students at the school

It seems that the school was under pressure even before the pandemic started. It does not explain why they panicked now.

It seems that local youth dislike the students at the school. In 2015 groups of students were attacked by local youth and the article mentions that it was a tradition in town to beat the students up.

We must condemn expelling students based on their political point of view.


Outcome of the election in Greenland is good – for now

In politics on April 11, 2021 at 14:46

Greenland will not sell its resources, which includes uranium for some boxes of beer which at some point was close to happen. People who want to perserve the unique nature of Greenland have to thank Donald Trump for putting attention to this nearby disaster.

The people of Greenland made the choice to continue to drink of the bottles offered to them by Denmark. Some millions of DKK will be send to Greenland to feed the small political elite concentrated around their capital Nuuk and the minerals will stay in the underground where it does no harm.

Denmark has been challenged with their excellent handling of the difficult task of bringing the people of Greenland into our century. Only 100 years ago the people of Greenland were exhibited in the Zoo in Copenhagen together with creatures from other Danish colonies. Most of the Danish colonies were sold off. Some sneaked out of Denmark to become independent like Island who sought the opportunity of a tormented Denmark occupied by Germany during WWII to leave and built a new nation based on lockdown for their youth. The youth on Island cannot meet their friends in the evening and party like youth living in real democracies do.

Denmark became member of the United Nations and that is where the handling of Greenland went wrong to such an extend that Danes who live up in Greenland speak of bullying and qualified businessmen and public servicemen being replaced with people without the qualifications just because they are born up there.

We are talking about villages where the parents have to be banned from buying alcohol until the children are fed. We are talking about a small police force who have to take care of people not even knowing where they are and who they are because they are too drunk.

We are talking about a small political elite modelled after the “King of Greenland” who based on abuse of fonds and large amounts of alcohol – Motzfeldt – created an entire generation of politicians acting just like him. Motzfeldt is the kind of person people up there wants to be. He was their moral and ethical goal of how to do well in their small society.

I do not know what to do. In my mind they are better of remaining under the guardianship of us adult Danes until they are able to handle just a single day on their own. We are far from that point right now.

I am kind of worried for the future of Greenland.

Sources (All in Danish language sadly):

Good news – The civil war i Syria is over

In culture on April 9, 2021 at 05:44

The Danish foreign department has gotten updates that the civil war i Syria is over. It is about time. It is good news. 10 years of war has taken its told on the country. It was just a bad idea that the French administration left and abandoned the area to chaos. But that is in the past. Now the focus must be on the future.

The Danish government has written to the refugees that their time in Denmark is over and they must travel back. Denmark will issue a compensation to they can establish themselves in Syria. For the children who for most speak Danish as their only language, of course time must be spent on learning the local language but I am sure that the baggage they got from the Danish education system which is second to none in the this world will enable them to regain local skills very fast.

Of course some have problems. Some misses only months before they can pass high school or are fully trained nurses. Of course we need people with educations like those in Denmark too but it would be selfish for Denmark to keep those with a good education and only send those back who have no education at all, so they have to go back.

Will they be safe?

Some fear that the government will prosecute them and properly execute them when they go back. It might happen. Laws are different in each country. As Danes we have to live with speeding limits in Jutland even when we all know that speed limits were an idea from Sealand so their part of Denmark would be felt bigger. In the United States, you cannot drink alcohol until you are 21 years of age even when we in Denmark knows that teenagers down to 13 can drink alcohol as long as the percentage is below the safe limit of 16.5 (In Denmark teenagers can buy alcohol below the limit on their own when they turn 16). Bizarre laws just exist outside Denmark. If you do not like them, just stay away. If you go there, respect them. Of course if you are citizen you have no choice. We Danes have to live with high taxes and we who live in Jutland have to accept not going anywhere until a high way is constructed to our village.

So if Syria has a law which allows the justice system to prosecute people and even execute them if they speak out against the government, it is a local law people have to respect. It is not a democracy some will say. But Denmark like the rest of the European Union has not kicked Poland and Hungary out of the European Union just because they recently left the path toward full democracy and turned on to a path towards dictatorship and repression. Different ways of govern a country can co-exist inside the European Union so we have to accept that Syria govern their country like they did. That is the cost of abandon colonies and mandated areas.

However we as Danes have to ask the government of Syria to show some restraint when it comes to handle the returned refugees. If they have broken the laws, please deal with in quietness behind closed curtains. Do not beat people up, just convict them and fix the punishment quietly and quickly, so they can get some kind of death certificate that does not show us that the absurd sum of money spent on housing the refugees has been wasted. We have used large sums which could be used on education of our children, on hospitals and on roads. There are still villages here in Jutland which do not have their own highway which leaves the citizens isolated from the surrounding world.

But for now. Let us celebrate that the civil war according to the Danish authorities is over.


Den tungeste Arv

Når Danmarks historie virker rigtig ondt

When far from home

When you are not home, you are not you

Uddannelse til ingenting

om mit liv efter uddannelse og inden jeg forhåbentlig snart kan stoppe med at arbejde igen

Jack1993's Weblog

Just another weblog

Henrik Hansen's blog

Henrik Hansen's blog on everything and everybody

Søren Hansens blog

It's my life.

Jens Sørensens blog - tanker fra et eksil

Studerende og bitter i en afkrog fjernt fra civilisationen

Ude er godt men hjemme er bedst

En side for dem som overvejer at leve og studere i udlandet


Birthe født i 1951 - om mit liv og mine holdninger

Bentes hjemmeblog's Blog

Lidt om vores families liv

Today a child died

Statements about how the world is seen from Denmark is the best place for your personal blog or business site.