
Archive for September, 2021|Monthly archive page

Why going after Niels Holck? He just made the same honest mistake as our entire parliament

In International justice on September 30, 2021 at 20:55

Once in a while we see awful things happen abroad. Women being suppressed. Children raped. Children killed. Animals tortured.

Most of us write about those evil things. Some things we report to the local police if the actions are illegal in the country they take place in.

But sometime it is the government in that area which are either responsible or just deciding to look the other way because it fits their interest when people are raped, molested or killed.

One of this cases is the killing of Dalits in the area of West Bengal in India. For some reasons these people are not regarded as equal like their fellow citizens. It almost like hearing Henry Ford again who financed the publication of a magazine which gave inspiration to a lot of things in Germany some 75 years ago.

Yes. In India people of this category seems to be killed a lot and the government does not seem very keen in arresting the people responsible. I have put some articles in the end of this blog-entry.

Niels Holck did apparently see to that this population group got some weapons. At least that is that the government of India claims. So they have tried to get him extradited for almost a decade. Our justice system has looked at this extradition request and they ruled against it. While it might be something that could result in a verdict of guilty, the entire society is too primitive and would not secure him the rights as an defendant at a standard which a modern democracy and a civilized country should secure.

India is neither a democracy or a civilized country.

Suspects are often killed or helped to suicide before the trial can begin. Their education system is so infected with cheating that there would be no guarantee that the judges and lawyers would be educated to deal with the job they have been given.

So no extradition if the Danish government accept the ruling of the superior Danish justice system. That must be clear.

What about the morale of the alleged crime?

Yes. Niels Holck was misguided. Some causes are not worth to follow. Sometime you have to accept that some countries are put together in a more primitive way and the time where we in Europe can go out and clean up like we did in Africa, Asia and South America is gone.

The Danish government made the very same mistake when we placed soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was not a nice place before we came. It will not be a nice place now where we left.

The people down there wants to live as they did before we came. They did not want to defend the progress we offered them. We have to respect that and in the future the time of intervention must be over.

The people of Afghanistan and Iraq has not requested that the members of the Danish parliament should be extradited for the disturbance they put upon the populations in Afghanistan and Iraq, so why should Niels Holck be extradited to India? Yes. If he participated in getting weapon to India, he interfered with the killings and rape of Dalits and women but it is how they live in India. If we do not like it, we can create blogs about it, we can go to our politicians so they can put taxes and freeze assets from India so they can change their ways as result of political pressure.

But we should not interfere with actions which someone can call illegal. They have their culture and we have ours. Danes have also been primitive at some time hundreds of years ago where we burned women and ransacked cities abroad. We have grown up from it. Now we even have learned to shave which it is something they need to learn in Afghanistan and we respect women and others as equal as long as they work.

Let us give the people in Afghanistan and India some hundred years and stop trading with them until they reach a civilized level of humanity in their countries.

As for Niels Holck, the Danish government should lecture India about how a justice system in a civilized country work and offer them to conduct a trial here so he can get a fine. In my mind he made a mistake but he should not die for it as he will do in a jail in India because he knows too much if he is guilty of the actions he was accused for. A fine will do the job. The same should be imposed against the Danish politicians who voted for invading Afghanistan but that it another story.


Dear Mette Skammeritz. The odd-future kidnapping was not a joke

In culture on September 8, 2021 at 07:30

Today in the newspaper BT I saw that TV2 ordered you to remove a meme. While the purpose of this meme is noble because journalist Jes Dorph-Petersen lost his job in 2020 for acting as a normal journalist would do back in 2001, there are an error in our assumption that the disappearance of Earl Sweatshirt which curtailed his career compared to the rest of the Odd-future musicians were a joke.

It was not.

Earl Sweatshirt was removed from his life by professional transporters robbing the many guests on the Roskilde Festival from hearing his at that time unique texts. He was taken to a wilderness program somewhere in the United States. Wilderness programs which have claimed a number of lives. Wilderness programs who market themselves as therapy and continue to exist despite the many deaths.

Next one of his parents ordered him exiled to Samoa. This is an island where the existence of private boot camps have little interests from the local authorities and the special laws of this island enable the parents to keep their children detained at these camps until the child turns 21.

In order to be released, Earl Sweatshirt was forced to change managers and his career took of in a humble direction compared to his former team-mates who ended up writing for major musicians and labels.

His texts are a shadow off what they were before. Many in the business give him space to play his music out of pity because they have an idea of what he had been put through. But reclaiming the top-chart is out of reach for him.

So it was no joke that people talked about him being kidnapped.

Several of the children returning from Samoa have killed relatives when they returned home. They have real issues as result of their kidnapping and exile to Samoa.

So the next time you want to compare what I find a good job done with something else, please research into the facts!

The T-shirt was fun. The lack of research on your parts is not.


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