
Archive for January, 2012|Monthly archive page

January 2012 – new year – same depression

In family on January 31, 2012 at 19:18

Am I the only one feeling depressed?

Money: I have none.
Customers at my work: They are few.

None I have spoken with for the last 6 months can state that they had some positive months. Our government has increased the taxes for wine and good food, so we are close to starving here in Denmark. We have dropped a lot of bombs in Afghanistan and Libya and while it comforts me to see some suffering abroad so we are not alone it is hard to walk around and be hungry all the time just because the politicians with their special early retirement age collect while they have all the fun.

Fines for traffic violations have also increased and they are now so huge that our only choice is to outsource a lot of our transport to foreign firms who can hide in Eastern Europe and avoid paying the fines. There is no reason to put any Danish driver on to the road and expose them to the greed of the system.

It is cold. It is dark. If I was a resident in the United States, I would properly be on a large quantum of pill against various forms of depression, but I am Danish and everyone I speak with seem to have the same opinion of our present situation.

This is a serious crisis. We must move close together and turn the back on the world while the crisis can be over with. Every penny counts and all we can do are to wait until the crisis is done. It is hard not to do anything.

There has been some talk about how poor our students are. All I can say supported by the most recent research is that you have to look at the financial situation of your parents and avoid borrowing money for your education. The chance of a job after graduating is not good and research show that education seldom pays if you have borrowed money for it because the income measured over the entire work life in Denmark does not differ very much education or not.

I have recommended my children to stay out of computers and likewise because during the summer of 2011 working with computers was made a low-income job area due to the interference of CSC by importing cheap work labor from India. The oldest is now having his own McJob career after dropping out from a computer academy. I feel that his future is just as bright as when he was studying. The youngest is having a part-time job beside his studies but is properly dropping out to work full time in construction because our tax department has introduced a new law where private citizens are forbidden to pay construction workers in cash and now he has to pay tax which makes his school too expensive to attend.

It is hard times. I hope you readers have some good news for a change to tell me. Please comment if you experience something positive.

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