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66 days and now no faith in anything

In politics on February 9, 2024 at 17:32

The Danish woman made it through court in Dubai but because there is a month to appeal, she is still not on her way back to Denmark. So, the future of Dubai as tourist destination is still very much in doubt.

If only that was the only problem for us Danes who is perhaps the population in the world who faces most challenges in our daily lives.

Is there a future for Denmark?

The Nato situation

In the United States, the candidate in the lead – Donald Trump – seems to ignore Europe. I understand that they have to focus on the Chinese threat who did show them that the United States might have the strongest armed forces in the world but they can be put down by a simple virus. They have already discovered secret Chinese labs on the American mainland so if it came to a conflict about Taiwan, China could start out with releasing Corona version 2 against the Americans and then it would be difficult for the American navy to leave port without personel on the ships to sail them.

But with the United States focusing on their own interests, we will have to deal with the Americans ourselves and with all the donations to Ukraine we have to face them with our assault tuk-tuks. It would not be fun.

I know that many Americans might look back at history asking themselves why Europeans need to bailed out several times. Had they not been lured by the Wilson administration and the money-men behind him to intervene in the first world war, there would not have been a second for the European part. The maniac in Germany came to power due to the blocade of Germany which caused hunger and deaths among the civilian. It was knowledge for the American intelligence as early as 1916 that it was the Serbian Crown prince and later king who support the black hand terrorist group which started the war with their act of a kind of state terrorism when they killed the crown-prince of Austria-Hungary and his wife in 1914. Even with this knowledge Wilson was approached by a bunch of rich people who saw that they could sell more to Europe if the United States entered the war.

A six-figure of men lost their lives in Europe. Henry Ford lost good workers and tried to go after these hidden money-men but he was prevented from achieving good results.

Fact is, that we several times in history had the oppertunity to make the world a better place. First and foremost people in Russia was failed by the rest of the world when the intervention after the first world war was called off. As result the people on the streets of Russia will never trust our promises.

Secondary we failed the rightful rulers of China. Especially the Truman administration did when they overpriced weapon delivery and did not actively send advisers in to improve the battle capacity against the communists.

The price for these failures we pay now.

I will totally understand if the United States skip NATO and the question is: Can we then stop Russia now where we shipped a lot of weapon to Ukraine and we did not increase our own weapon production? I fear for the future of Denmark when it comes to the threat from Russia.

The European Union

All over Denmark, Danes fear July first. That is date where the new time register laws comes into affect. The European Union has order Denmark to control the workers down to the second!

All over Denmark they now invest in old-fashioned punch clocks like they had in the factories in the 1950’s. The Danish firms can almost not cope. First they were forced to invest in expensive HR-programs due to GDPR. An estimated 10 percent of jobs were lost due to the increased costs of running HR in the firms. In the old days HR basically consisted of happy-hour each friday with beer and wine, a yearly questionnaire which you used 5 minutes on together with your manager and a stack of ring binders in the back of the office with the contracts, other agreements and the yearly questionnaires in them. Now thousand of Euros are used on programs that houses the same information which was in the ring binders.

If only punch clocks were enough, people who works at home must allow the webcam to take random photos of them when they work because then the employer can prove that the employer knows who is working or how is not behind the webcam and has taken time off to use the toilet or eat lunch, so an hour can be deducted from the payslip. Unfair? Yes, but that is what the European Union has ordered.

So 2024 has proven to be a difficult year so far. I do not know where it will end and I have no faith that it will end good.

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