
Archive for January, 2023|Monthly archive page

Pension demos in France – I hope they win

In politics on January 19, 2023 at 20:33

Over a million people is protesting higher pension age in France. They have a reason to fight. They can look at Denmark where we have an insane high pension age. Now it is so high that few people would live to see it.

But the greedy politicians where many never have seen a real day of work is not stopping with pension reforms.

In Denmark they now plan to confiscate a national holiday!

So most Danes have no future. They live under the most severe living conditions seen on this globe where more than 50 percent of the income are paid in taxes and parents who have children with mental illnesses which is consider kind of shameful and a secondary rated illness still have to pay part of tthe stay at treatment homes. They still have to pay for a dentist visits which is considered a luxury for only the families most well off which means that many Danes who are poor, can be identified by looking at their teeth.

The problems for the ordinary Danish population is that they did not put their foot down in time.

It did cost the a real chance for a few years on retirement benefits and now it will cost them their national holidays as the politicians cut one slice at the time.

That is why the protests in France are important. If they do not stop Macron now, they will lose it all over time.

I pray that they succeed. The life we face living in Denmark right now, is really not for anyone to live.


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