
Archive for April, 2015|Monthly archive page

The day Bali lost its status as a tourist destination

In business culture on April 29, 2015 at 05:07

For the people who live of tourists april 28, 2015 should stand out as the start of the end of their career. With the execution of two Australian citizens Indonesia has asked for one thing and one thing only – isolation.

  • Isolation economically
  • Isolation culturally
  • Isolation regarding diplomatic relations
  • Isolation in generally

Drugs has always existed in Asia. Not so many decades ago China was forced to open their borders so opium could be sold to the demnanding customers.

It was not only one country who gathered behind better customer service. Most countries supported these efforts. Countries like United Kingdom, France, Italy, United States, Russia and Japan sent military units to help the customers.

Increased world trade has always shown to improve the world in general.

For Indonesia to be taught a lesson they need to be hit where it hurts at most. They need to learn how to live without the money the tourists use in their country.

So write every travel agency and notify them that they are supporting death and inhumane treatment if they send their customers to Bali.

Write every school who sends students to Indonesia that they could suffer consequenses if they decline to stop their activities in Indonesia.

Write every aid organization that they will not be benefitted if they don’t ignore incidents in Indonesia.

Here we have an artificial nation believing that they have something to say. What should have happened at the end of the Second War was that the former Dutch colonies should have been split up in the various Sultanties as they existed before the colonies were founded.

April 28, 2015 should also mark the day where this process was started.

#boycottbali #boycottindonesia

The airline industry sets new low standards

In business culture on April 27, 2015 at 18:32

Some might remember the well-known Swedish model Marcena Kamizela who stands for everything young Swedens look up to. She was insulted and treated in a way which you will only find in countries like Syria today by British Airways and a Canadian court far out in the Canadian wilderness some years ago. It was a blow against everything Sweden stands for and jeopardized the diplomatic connections between Canada and Sweden just as Martinair owners sold the company out of shame when the airline company asked the police in Florida to raise charges against the Danish national icon May Andersen.

Recently there was a newspaper article about a poor passenger on an EastJet airline who was starved for so long that he saw no other option but to hit a crew member. Placing passengers in such impossible near-death situations should be against the law but unfortunately another aspect of the 9-11 attack has been the airline companies have been allowed to treat their passengers in an inhumane and terrible way.

Among the people who work in the airline industry there is a realization that the airline companies have gone too far. Right now honest decent workers in the airline industry are working to stop Ryanair to establish themselves in Copenhagen bringing even the lowest standard to Denmark. Former employees have told the media how they have to ask family and friends to send them money so they can afford going to work every day. It seems unsafe when the workers on a plane come from another firm only established to write off responsibility on if something goes wrong.

People have to say stop to the present focus on earning money in the airline industry and go back to the days where airline companies were owned by the state servicing the people instead of starving both crew and passengers to a point where violence become unavoidable. The best we all can do is to stop using airline companies and remain at home until they accept that the passengers are their customers.

New landslide verdict creates witch hunt on Danish mentally ill parents

In culture on April 14, 2015 at 20:22

Michelle got cancer. Unfortunately a surgery caused her to have brain damage. So when she gave birth to her daughter she decided to find a foster family for her daughter because she realized that she one day could be hit by cancer once more.

Such love is a prime example of everything a mother’s love is about. To sacrifice your time with your child so your child can get an even better upbringing than the one you can provide for your child.

Everything was fine until the social services came under pressure because some few extreme cases brought attention of the common known export of underprivileged families. For various departments of social services have been known to smuggle underprivileged families to other parts of Denmark by destroying archives and damaging reports and pay the rent secretly in isolated areas of Denmark. This export the Danish government wanted to stop and it put pressure on the budgets in the various departments of social services.

Research showed that the social heritage existed because many families only entered into this line of business for profit. 75 percent of the families didn’t take the mandatory 2 days courses they are supposed to take according to the law in 2010 and the social services allowed them to skip out of this education. So when the foster families kicked the now adult foster children into the streets the minutes they became adults they quickly returned to their birth families and slowly returned to the habits and underprivileged lives their birth families had.

So how stop this traffic? By promising the foster families that they could get the foster child as their own child! Now the foster families got the offer that they could take over the child and cut the birth families off by adopting the child. Of course they then had to give up the income but in return the social services would get foster families motivated by love instead of money.

This move is not without cost. The price would be paid by parents like Michelle who was so unlucky that the cancer treatment gave her a brain damage. Another department of social services removed a child because of the religious viewpoint of the father. The authorities in Russia are actively investigating a case where a Russian mother got her child removed by the social services in Denmark. Of course Russia’s activities in Ukraine must be condemned but the social services in Denmark should not conduct foreign policy.

What about the child? Should every child not have the right to know who gave birth to them?

The various departments of social services might save a lot of money but this verdict makes it dangerous to be a parent suffering from mild mental illnesses like depression. They could risk losing their child permanently after just a few visits at their doctor.

Historisk dom: Handicappede Michelle mister sit barn (BT)

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