
Archive for October, 2020|Monthly archive page

Why I vote at every election

In politics on October 25, 2020 at 07:56

There are only some days left before we know who the next president in the United States will be.

I will not judge who it best. It is not my country. Of course I think of the environment, but I am a Dane so I will focus where I can make a difference. I pay extra for power made on wind energy. My facemask which I have to wear during the pandemic is reusable and there are some other things, I do. But then again. I do my part here in Denmark and I vote for politicians who have the climate in their agenda and I watch ready to punish them at the next election if they do not put actions behind their fine words.

When we Danes vote, it is almost 80 percent and sometime even more who votes. Why do we vote? For my part I have to say that the reason is that I got interested in a girl who were into politics and the only way to have sex with her was to go to the meetings and parties the political youth organizations held.

I know for large part of the people active in politics, it was the parties more than the wish to change society which sold the message to be something for your country.

However I am a bit worried. First in relationship with the Metoo campaign, words are out to ban alcohol at the political youth organizations. What would happen if young people never learned about Adam Smith and liberalism, what if young people never heard about Karl Marx and socialism. Would they not become uninterested? I believe so. The parties mean more than you think. The sexual relationships result in important political alliances to be used later in later. Either as a favor for someone you hold dear or a pressure point when people need to know that you have something on them. That is basically how Danish politics is done. We are a small country where people know each other and sometime you are surprised how people who seem far from each other has something in common from the past.

My past in politics did not only result in good sex. It also told me how to be persevering, it told me to listen to the ideas and visions presented because I had to stay during the meetings in order to meet the requirements to attend the parties.

Short to say. The bottle learned me how to be a responsible voter and keep an interest in politics.

Maybe the United States should chose the same path for their young people. It seems to me that so few actually care for the future of their country and that I feel a shame.

Yet another chapter in the sad Danish space adventure

In justice on October 20, 2020 at 17:29

Denmark quit the exploration of space when law number 409 of 11-05-2016 were passed after the strange incident involving the U-boat belonging to Peter Madsen. While protests were made against the law not only from Peter Madsen but also other industrial organizations working on private space projects, all protests were swept aside after the murder verdict against the Danish answer to Wernher von Braun.

Danish citizens outside the cities believe that the case was a conspiracy. They do not have access to universities. They have no tradition delivering their daughters to the political parties in Denmark because the reputation is that older politicians take advantage of young girls. Many parties have in wake of the Metoo-campaign accepted that some of their senior members have used their position to touch or even if we speak of our present foreign minister had sex with minors while they were in their mid-30s. Some have resigned. Others have the personal protection of our prime minister.

The conspiracy theory is that Peter Madsen was a private person who would have discovered that the Earth are flat when his rocket rose high enough, so he had to be stopped. To achieve that the journalist unwillingly were exposed to a drug developed as part of CIA’s MK-ultra project which caused the Danish rocket scientist to kill her.

I will not speculate if it is possible to develop a drug targeting a person by putting it on another person who then is sacrificed when the target meets the carrier of the drug. It would at least demand that they had Peter Madsens DNA in advance. And how could they be certain that the journalist would meet Peter Madsen even considering the fact that they basically lived next door for years? In Denmark people do not know their neighbor even when they have lived next to each other for decades. Personally I have never entered the home of my neighbor even once and they have lived next door from me for at least 12 years.

There are too many “but” in the conspiracy theory. I have not been in space so I consider the world round. Simple math also does it. I live in a small village. It is the center of life for me and important stuff. Everything is around me. That must be proof enough that the world is round.

The reason for the headline is that Peter Madsen escaped from prison today. He has been caught. Danish prison guards do not carry weapons so when he said he had a bomb, of course they let him go and called the bomb squat. It is not like you can hide in Denmark if you unless your are an immigrant or sex-worker smuggled into Denmark who have many thing in common like a network of criminals protecting them. Because Peter Madsen was not member of any gang, who were supposed to aid him when he left the prison. Answer: None!

So it was just a sad piece of a story about an industry and many jobs lost because space no longer contains any potential for Denmark. I will end this blog-entry with a link to a video where one of the supporters speak of the theory which I have to state remains a theory in my mind. It is Denmark and the country of free speech after all, so why not?

Næstved Storcenter – in the frontline of the mask war

In politics on October 10, 2020 at 18:26

Næstved Storcenter is a shopping mall near the small town of Næstved. So remote a place in Denmark that the professors put up a protest of locating a university there because the roads down there are very bad. They do not even have a 4-lane high way. Also 30 years ago the government considered to place a special prison for super-dangerous prisoners near the city because possible victims of escapees would not be missed.

Anyhow they have a mall. Big enough to have killed all the shopping in the nearby cities. Towns like Haslev, Vordingborg, Skælskør and the wasteland on the southern islands Falster and Lolland do no longer have any shopping possibilities in their cities beside the daily food shopping.

The shopping center is owned by Salling Group which used be partly owned by Mærsk who transport goods around the world, which is not a good idea during the Corona Pandemic. Every country should isolate and close borders in an effort to fend for themselves.

Stockholders know how both the Salling family and Mærsk hide anything. It is very closed firms which do not share other information that the information the law forces them to.

That is why it is no surprise that it forbidden to take photos and video inside the shopping mall. They want the money from the consumers but hate everything else about them. To uphold their rules they have hired some goons from G4S. The firm G4S has an entire page concerning the controversies surrounding their company. We are talking claims about violence in detention centers. Any shopping mall who hires a firm with such track-record must have something dark and secret to hide.

The question is what: Are they somehow connected to the spreading of virus as sources on the Internet claim?

One mission is to identity the G4S guards who were involved in the unlawful detention. HEAL-online keeps record of all employees in abusive residential treatment centers down to the deliveryman. However in this case the hard work has to be conducted by people living outside the European Union due to GDPR.

People in Denmark are outraged. For very long, young people have sacrificed their social life. Many might not get an education because the Friday bars on school campuses is the main weapon against truancy and drop outs. But the government in Denmark has made the Danish population doubt the effects of masks because back in the early spring the Danish government recommended people not to buy them while they stockpiled for the politicians, police and hospitals. Only when people had died in Denmark and they had the mask, they turned around and ordered people to wear masks.

Today Denmark offers less freedom than countries like Syria had before the pandemic. There are fines in some parts of the larger cities for just stopping on the street while you await traffic lights. Those no-stop zones were made to prevent people gathering in popular places but people have received fines for waiting for one of the harbor busses in Copenhagen. Their crime was not to walk around in circles until the Ferry came.

Næstved Storcenter seems not to be a place where people liking democracy and freedom of speech should go and do their shopping. In fact I will recommend totally to avoid the shopping mall. This incident was so awful that I barely have words for it.


The Danish government tightens its control with the army

In politics on October 1, 2020 at 05:14

The Danish government have fired the chief of the army in their effort to regulate the way the administration of the various departments are run so they will be no more than robots following the prime ministers slightest ideas.

Over the past year the politicians have noticed an independent method of running various departments inside the armed forces and also the intelligence services has been the center of a clean-up with several managers being fired or suspended.

The fear was the creation of a shadow government who could use their international contacts to allow surveillance of both ordinary Danish citizens but also Danish politicians conducted by foreign intelligence services. Such operations required money and there was some examples of money used on other projects than those reported back to the government.

In a time where a lot of effort are done by the government to rewrite recent history, it is kind of worrying. Yesterday it was announced that all emails sent by Statens Serum Institut (SSI) which is under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Health have been lost.

That removes the ability for researchers of generations to investigate what really took place when Denmark issued a lockdown due to Covid-19. Right now a lot of people even doubt that the virus exist. It could be special teams hired by the government who eliminate citizens critical of the government by poisoning them. It is a doubtful theory but back during the cold war, special teams were allegedly created to secure that Denmark in case of an invasion was able to detain and possible dispose of Danes not faithful to our country. Many countries back then doubted that Denmark would support NATO due to all our protests from our parliament every time other NATO countries did something.

A lot of things are happening in Denmark now. Ordinary Danes sometime do not recognize the country, Denmark has become the last year.

Den tungeste Arv

Når Danmarks historie virker rigtig ondt

When far from home

When you are not home, you are not you

Uddannelse til ingenting

om mit liv efter uddannelse og inden jeg forhåbentlig snart kan stoppe med at arbejde igen

Jack1993's Weblog

Just another weblog

Henrik Hansen's blog

Henrik Hansen's blog on everything and everybody

Søren Hansens blog

It's my life.

Jens Sørensens blog - tanker fra et eksil

Studerende og bitter i en afkrog fjernt fra civilisationen

Ude er godt men hjemme er bedst

En side for dem som overvejer at leve og studere i udlandet


Birthe født i 1951 - om mit liv og mine holdninger

Bentes hjemmeblog's Blog

Lidt om vores families liv

Today a child died

Statements about how the world is seen from Denmark is the best place for your personal blog or business site.