
Posts Tagged ‘scarf’

To wear a scarf or not

In Uncategorized on March 1, 2009 at 11:25

Last we woke up to the rather shocking news that a young girl was selected to enter a mosque with her school class and in relationship with that visit the teacher ordered her to wear a scarf during that visit.

A public outrage filled the newspapers in Denmark and soon the school had to make a press release where they assured both parents and the rest of the nation that they would never force an innocent girl to do that.

The destiny of this little girl was saved and then we all can be satisfied or….

Of course not!

The story started with a letter from the school telling this little girl that she cannot get education unless she surrender her dignity. Such a letter with such a huge impact cannot be written by just one teacher or a team of teachers. The school administration must have known or they are not entitled to function in that job.

We must demand a public investigation into this matter.

We are talking of the largest assault on a persons identity beside genital multilation. When you order people to dress in the same way or impose a uniform on them it is to remove their identity. In some countries inmates wear uniforms, but in Denmark not even murders are imposed to the same sanctions as this little girl. The opposition against uniforms in the school environment is the most important reason for movement warning against language courses aboard.

To make matters worse the reactions from the parents are even more shocking. While the general public showed their support for the mother, the other parents in the school did not. Where is parenting at all these days? Are parents not supposed to protect their children?

I admire this brave mother. She stood up against the school administration, which clearly had a hidden agenda. She turned to the public when the school failed her and her daughter. She couldn’t be sure of the support in advance.

But she got the support. She saved her daughter. What about we other parents woke up from our sleep and started to get out there and make a difference for our kids, so they can have a future at all?

She is a role model we all should be proud of.

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