
Posts Tagged ‘cities’

First official mayor appointed

In politics on December 1, 2017 at 20:31

In the town Lyngby the appointed the first offical mayor after the election. I guess that they were that fast to ensure that they corruption will not make life hard. Years ago some of the members of the city counsil backstabbed the mayor who got the most of the votes. He believed that he would be allowed 4 more years. Big was his surprise when dirty deals had been done in secret.

In back politics in Denmark is as dirty as it can be when we talk about who is going to be mayor in Danish cities. People abandon the party which just had elected them just so they can get something personally. It is quiet common.

That why most people do not care. They are tired of this but it cannot be changed.

It has become a tradition to backstab people in local politics.

Den tungeste Arv

Når Danmarks historie virker rigtig ondt

When far from home

When you are not home, you are not you

Uddannelse til ingenting

om mit liv efter uddannelse og inden jeg forhåbentlig snart kan stoppe med at arbejde igen

Jack1993's Weblog

Just another weblog

Henrik Hansen's blog

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Søren Hansens blog

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Birthe født i 1951 - om mit liv og mine holdninger

Bentes hjemmeblog's Blog

Lidt om vores families liv

Today a child died

Statements about how the world is seen from Denmark is the best place for your personal blog or business site.