
Kindergarten of death now housing so-called refugees

In culture on November 12, 2018 at 17:04

Near a township on Sealand in Denmark they now house refugees in a former kindergarten where a child died back around 2004. The sewer system is about 50 years old and run down in the area. That allowed pests like rats to leave the system and play in the sandboxes which the children also used. Sometime children taste odd things and it is likely that the death was caused by that. The employees in the kindergarten was of course in contact with their trade union as it is custom in Denmark and demanded overtime if they had to place nets or other cover over the sandboxes after work. The local medical authorities were kept in the dark by the management of the kindergarten so the exact cause of death was never fully public.

Later some kids played with matches and part of the kindergarten burned down. It was abandoned for some years and is now turned into temporary housing for the so-called refugees coming to Europe. Rather strange that they choose Denmark where you pay 50 percent of your taxes and can be charged 164,000 DKK if the social services determine that the parents social heritage has part of the children getting depressed because one of the parents had depression in the past, but that is another story.

The refugees live in the buildings formerly known as the kindergarten of death by the locals. They do not what kind of danger they are placed in. Otherwise they would properly choose to go back because as a person who have lived my entire life in Denmark and watched tons of television from around the world, I can really not imagine that any other people in any other country of the entire world are worse off that us Danes.

Trump was right when he warned the people of United States looking to Denmark for solutions.

Migrants come to Denmark too and it has become a problem (Danes studying abroad)

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