
August 2012 – The collapse of our society

In politics on August 31, 2012 at 19:46

Riots and hospital treatment

August 2012 some of the hospitals introduced a new policy. When there is a shooting incident in town, patients in urgent need of treatment are driven to the next town so they can put the hospital where the shooting victims are taken to in total lockdown.

The reason was the shooting in Odense in a ghetto called Vollsmose. During celebrating some kind of heathen ritual people suddenly started to shoot at each other. Next the hospital was invaded by 70 angry men looking for the victims who they didn’t find. However the hospital has introduced a new policy where they will lock the hospital down while they are treating shooting victims and the other patients then have to travel to another hospital out of town. Mark my words: People would die as result of the prolonged transport. It is just a matter of time.

Experts claim that Denmark hasn’t done enough to integrate immigrants in Denmark. They are not educated to participate in Human Resource activities in our firms and 99 percent of the Human Resource activities are drinking a beer or a glass of wine peacefully with your colleagues Friday after work so it shouldn’t be that difficult.

Maybe we should focus on their education. Too many are kept away from their Danish peer due to the parent’s fear of our youth culture. Some – mostly girls – are sent abroad for a period until they are pregnant or married. Others are sent to strict religious boarding schools – often “Efterskoler” – where they also face a kind of down-scaled youth culture isolated in a kind of cult-like environment which leave them depressed and isolated without the necessary tools to socialize once they start in jobs or at the high schools or universities where the Friday bars often are the most important factor when choosing which line to study.

We have to work harder getting them close to us. Otherwise such riots will continue.

Trade Unions

August 2012 was also the month where we should think about whether the time of trade unions are over. All they can do is protesting a small restraurant.

Here is a list of recent failures:

  • They couldn’t break Ryanair when they wanted to establish a unit in Billund.
  • They couldn’t break HCS when they increased the workload of refuse collectors so much that even the strongest worker would be worn down in matter of few years.
  • They didn’t aid workers at CSC so now the work is down by people in the hostile nation of India. Those who remained to work there cannot even afford a decent meal for their family based on the little salery they earn.

So trade unions in Denmark is a past chapter.

Damaged infrastructure

The police will get 75 new mobile speed traps. Just when we had a little hope of creating jobs and decrease unemployment all hopes are gone. Once again the industry in Denmark will be prevented from investing in faster transport and increased mobility.

The winners will be underpaid drivers from the eastern Europe who evade justice because Denmark doesn’t send the speed fines to the drivers abroad even given the fact that they have the possibility to do so.

Drunken, underpaid and inexperienced drivers are responsible for a growing number of traffic accidents in Denmark. It is sad when the cost is that the properly best educated drivers in the world – the Danish drivers are forced out of jobs because they are too expensive.

It isn’t fair. Here in Jutland we don’t even have 4-lane high ways to every town with more than 20,000 citizens. Soon we will forced to use motels when we visit friends and family living more than 20 kilometers apart because the traveling times will be increased.

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