
Posts Tagged ‘techonom’

A year ago – 2021 United States Capitol attack

In politics, Uncategorized on January 6, 2022 at 17:19

It was a year ago that the congress was attacked. Today many blame the former president Trump and he might have been able to stop the violence sooner if he had not watched the attack shocked over that the country was so divided that his advice to peaceful protest the procedures inside the congress was interpreted as an order to attack the congress itself.

But while I condemn all kind of violence I worry about the result of the 1980’s politics which widen the gap between rich and poor, the people with opportunities and those without.

As as we see in Denmark, France and many other countries across Europe there are not equal opportunities for all. In Denmark people can get student grants but if we look at the numbers, children from the working class grow up becoming the poor workers who has to compete against labor from Asia, Africa and the eastern part of Europe. The system has even during the last few years protected the rich by introducing minimum grades before the children can attend gymnasium and university. It is not the money which guarantee access to the university, it is also knowledge how to study, teach stamina to the children and a question of housing. The university in Copenhagen is only for people living in Copenhagen. The housing costs make it impossible for people from the countryside to access the housing market. That is the reason Roskilde University Center was placed near the capital. The same goes for Aarhus and Aalborg. Odense seem to work actively to make sure that cheap housing is within reach but it a rare phenomenon.

Poor people in Copenhagen are seen as some the rich just want to go away. The “Harbor of Peace” was cleared because rich people moved in on the area which housed a former navy station. In “Sydhavnen” new rich people who have moved to the area are tired of seeing working class people drinking in public. Some are not even shaved and they smell as one of the new rich people told. Where should the go? To the southern islands Lolland and Falster where the entire society has fallen into despair and asphalt roads are converted to dirt roads to save money?

I think the lesson learning from the United States is to include and accept that some people cannot live to their full potential because they were born at the wrong place by the wrong family. It is not their fault that they only can afford public school and some of the elite boarding school called “efterskole” is setting a family some 10,000 Euros per student for a single school year, which means that it is out of reach for most people taking into account that most Danes pay more than 50 percent of their income in taxes.

In order to protect the poor part of our population where many are caught up in the job-training system where unemployed people are forced to work as “job-training” for their unemployment benefit often serving in their old job but now without the status as a real employee, Denmark need to look at imported and illegal labor. Gone is the protection by the so-called RUT database. Danish firms cannot look up if their competitor use cheap foreign labor and then they lose orders and jobs resulting in even more unemployment.

The Danish government also need to stop the plans to import more cheap labor from Asia and Africa. Our prime minister Mette Jacobsen spoke about increasing import of labor. A slap in the face of the poor, sick and unemployed. 100,000 Danes are able to take a job tomorrow but many employees have stopped accepting old academical titles as Merconom and Techonom which were the highest academical achievement you could get outside the university cities. Today the employers want people with bachelor titles to do clerk work and they do not care whether this bachelor titles is earned in Denmark or achieved through bribes as it is common in India or Africa.

We are building up against the very same disaster which is the real reason behind the 2021 United States Capitol attack: A population so divided that no ordinary citizen believe politicians! I hope that the parliament in Denmark never will experience the same level of violence as we saw at the capital and the solution is at hand as the parliaments all over Europe seem to accept that the future should hold the possibility to legally end one persons life.

Actually many of the protesters in front of the congress had experienced such a failure from the side their government that they should have been given this option long ago. Jobs gone to China, Mexico and other places which should have remained inside the United States. Even the Biden administration accepted this unfairness and continued the new trade agreement made during the Trump administration. Goods for the United States consumer should be made inside the United States just as goods made for our market should be produced in Denmark,

Right now there is no hope for the large part of the general population. We can only hope that the governments allow ordinary people another exit than storming a parliament so they do not have to suffer anymore in this life.


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