
Posts Tagged ‘service’

Prague doesn’t need tourists so why travel down there

In culture on January 17, 2014 at 18:27

Last year Prague showed them unable to house tourists. A Danish student was stabbed and many spoke of poor service and aggressive police.

If you look at the advertisement tourists were given before they went there the message was clear:

After 40 years behind the iron curtain the city had reinvented itself as a place with lots of alcoholic drinks and plenty of girls ready to party.

Thousand of teenagers believed the message and went there. Disturbance and poor service was what they got.

It was not handled very professional by the hotels and officials down there. It was a miracle that only one Dane was hurt.

So this year there have been meetings at our high schools. The question which remains unanswered is whether exposure to foreign cultures might cause more harm than benefit. A lot of students have decided to main at home and parents are advised to let their teenagers’ party in Danish holiday houses where the local population accepts normal teenager behavior.

I hope that some of the teenagers who have ordered the trip to Prague already can get a refund. It would really be a waste of money to visit the Czech Republic.

Prag-hotel: Danske unge IKKE velkomne (Metroxpress – in danish language)

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